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Getting to know your body.

Ally Greenshields

Getting to know your reproductive system...

What is the female reproductive system?

The female reproductive system consists of both internal and external organs. It is responsible for the functioning of several different things involving, the creation of hormones, fertility, menstruation and sexual activity.

A lot of people use the generic term ‘vagina’ as a collective name to describe all of the female productive parts. However, the vagina is a lot more complex and holds a more reproductive parts than just the ‘vagina’.

External Parts

Labia Majora: these (large lips) enclose and protect the other external reproductive organs. This is where hair grows during puberty, and they also have both sweat and oil-secreting glands.

Labia Minora: these (small lips) can variety and size and shape in every woman. They are situated just inside of your labia majora and surround the opening to your vagina (the canal that joins the lower part of your uterus to the outside of your body) and urethra (the tube that carries pee from your bladder to your outer body). The skin here is very delicate and can become easily irritated.

Clitoris: Your labia minora meet at your clitoris; a small, sensitive area. The clitoris is covered by a fold of skin (prepuce) and is one of the most sensitive areas of the vagina to stimulation.

Vaginal opening: your vaginal opening is the part that allows both menstrual blood and babies to your body. Tampons and different forms of penetration can go inside your vagina through the vaginal opening.

Hymen: Your hymen is a piece of tissue covering or surrounding part of the vaginal opening. This part is formed and developed and is present during birth.

Opening to your urethra: this is simply the hole that you pee through!

Internal parts

Vagina: the vagina is best known as the muscle that joins the cervix (lower part of your uterus) to the outside of the body. This is the part of your productive system that can widen to accommodate childbirth and then shrink down afterwards to being narrow enough to hold something like a tampon. Your vagina is linked to mucus membranes; this is what helps to keep it moist!

Cervix: your cervix is the lowest part of the uterus. A hole in the middle is what allows both sperm to enter and menstrual blood to exit. It is also your cervix that expands to allow a baby to come out during vaginal childbirth and is the function that prevents items like tampons from getting lost within your body…

Uterus: your uterus is a pear shaped, hollow organ that holds your baby during pregnancy. It is divided into two parts: the cervix and corpus. The corpus is the larger part of your uterus and is the part that expands during childbirth!

Ovaries: these are small, oval-shaped glands that are located at either side of your uterus. These are the part of your productive system that produce both eggs and hormones.

Fallopian tubes: this is a part that most will be aware of, these are narrow tubes that are attached to the upper part of your uterus and are the pathways that allow your eggs to travel from your ovaries to your uterus. The fertilization of an egg by sperm usually takes places within the fallopian tubes, this egg then moves to the uterus where it will then implant into your uterine lining.

The female reproductive system provides several functions; not only does it allow a woman to have sexual intercourse, it also allows a woman to reproduce. A women’s reproductive organs are involved in sexual activity, fertilisation, menstruation and reproduction.

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